

Here I share my solutions to SICP exercises. I also follow 61A Berkeley course and some lab exercises are in the files.

Why Studying SICP?

I started studying SICP book to build my understanding of Computer Science and Programming. It improved my programming skills and widened my perspective in more ways than I could have imagined.
It was recommended to me on website, go check it out!
Book link:

What programming language does SICP uses?

Mit-Scheme. A variation on Scheme, a programming language that is very similar to Lisp.
Racket is another variation on Scheme that is more modern and better.
You can use Dr.Racket to interpret SICP scheme (mit scheme): use #lang sicp.

Some stuff I built after learning Scheme and Racket:

Radix Conversion Program:

Converts from any base to any base, showing the steps.

Direct Conversion


Conversion with base-10


Uses Scheme with Racket for the GUI.
Interestingly, you can mix both languages.

Capacitance Calculator

Simple calculator that calculates the capacitance of any complex circuit, containing parallel and/or series sub circuits.


Can also solve for the missing capacitance, given the total capacitance, in simple circuits only.


Only misses a UI!